The ratings are assigned to the website ratings Vital ..Useful.. Relevant Not Relevant .. Off Topic.. and in addition Flags Spam Directory Search results Porn Malicious etc.. In the Netherlands it is euros in an hour they have quite a lot of these people This information is also confirmed by foreign sources providing more often shocking details International agents get paid for each hour they refine the search results of Goggle . Search Bistro According to the abovementioned source Goggle Quality Ratings employees have their own special website Goggle . A video showing the content of the socalled Secret Lab.
The above statements clearly show that there is something to it. Many critics of this hypothesis refer to the unreality of employing so many people just to ensure the quality of search results. The main argument of opponents of this solution is the multitude of websites subject to evaluation. in short to evaluation million sitesan unimaginable Brazil Telegram Number Data number of people would be needed. READ ALSO Most accounts in Goggle Analytics are incorrectly configured interview with Maciej Lewiski Cezary Lech However according to data from Goggle Quality Ratings we know that only the first search results for typically commercial keywords are assessed This limits the number of pages subject to their assessment to several thousand in each functional domain.
The above hypothesis is probable because employment at Goggle is growing in direct proportion to the increase in the companys income. The latest news says that employment at Goggle already exceeds people. Circumstantial evidence With such a large number of employees the probability that only a small percentage is only engaged in cleaning search results is very high. You should also remember that Goggle s current big problem is the socalled MFA Made solely to extort clicks from contextual advertising. Such websites contain practically only advertisements An attempt to combat this practice was among others introduction of a new factor influencing the price of clicks.