Seduction often rhymes with competition: when you have a charming young woman in your sights, the competition represented by other suitors becomes a reality that you must face. Do not be shocked if we speak here in terms of territory and property. Even if this seems macho, primary and seems to reduce Women to the state of a simple object, the fact is that most men follow this logic. So what are your solutions for dealing with this type of situation? What behaviors should yoadopt to stand out from the crowd? Here is the answer from Nico from the site Breathe, we are here to help! First of all, the important thing is to stay focused on one principle: You must accept the rules of the game and position yourself in a competitive mindset.
After all, the reward is well worth some effort... So remember, that's life, if you photo retouching enter a nightclub, a restaurant, or a bar, that magnificent young woman that you are lusting after will probably be the target of other men. A bulletproof mentality Too many men systematically decide not to accept this competition and as a result, are content to try to seduce women not that they want to seduce but that they think they can conquer. What they don't realize is that even women who in their narrow, insecure minds are defined as more "approachable" will at some point also be coveted by other men.
From the outset, such a state of mind greatly reduces their power of seduction. Don't be that kind of person. See the big picture and don’t fall into the vicious cycle of negativity! To become effective in the art of seduction, you must be able to not limit yourself. And to do this it is important not to idealize beautiful women and above all to maintain confidence in your own potential for attractiveness. |