Artificial intelligence, a powerful tool for sales
Artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence in English , is based on the performance by machines of activities that simulate human intelligence; especially computer systems. But how can you use artificial intelligence as a tool for sales? In the next post I will tell you how. Artificial intelligence is any software that has the ability to simulate human abilities, either for specific tasks or for broader tasks. The challenge is for them to be able to understand and react to the environment at a deep level, which also includes voice recognition and artificial vision. At the Dartmouth conference on artificial intelligence in 1956, Marvin Minsky, John McCarthy, and Claude Shannon coined the term and defined it as " the science and ingenuity of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent calculation programs.
Advantages and disadvantages Artificial intelligence represents many benefits, and was created with the purpose of facilitating and optimizing processes and jobs; however, there are disadvantages in applying it. Some of these advantages and disadvantages are as follows: Advantage Many more activities can be done in less time. In the field of work or business, it reduces additional costs and wages. In addition to generating more income for being an attractive Advances have allowed the Mobile Phone Number development of applications that allow tasks that are difficult for humans to do due to their complexity. In addition to having the ability to predict situations that may arise in the long term Artificial intelligence also reduces errors in carrying out processes and more accuracy is achieved. In addition to having the ability to make correct decisions without the intervention of emotions Disadvantages Being software, they will always depend on progressive updates (maintenance).
This represents a lot of time and money As machines advance and improve, they replace human labor, which represents unemployment for many people. If this technology is used excessively, it can create dependence on it for people. How to take advantage of artificial intelligence as a tool for sales. As we already mentioned, artificial intelligence seeks to simulate the functions performed by the human brain through a computer. An important point to mention is that by 2024 a single computer with artificial intelligence will be able to process all the information of the human race. If you have a web page, AI allows you to analyze data to make decisions in less time, and personalize the value offer for each client. Currently, many companies already apply this technology, in such a way that when you enter their web pages, they personalize your site with recommendations of the products you have bought or searched for. |